Externe Veranstaltungen
CfP: The 18th International Baltic Conference on Canadian Studies „Canada: A World of transformations“
18th International Baltic Conference on Canadian Studies, the Latvian Association for Canadian Studies and The Centre for Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Latvia, Friday, October 5, 2018
Today’s Canada is more diverse than ever before, according to the 2016 census. Thus, the upcoming conference offers an opportunity to identify political, social, economic and cultural factors inherent to Canadian diversity as well as opportunities and pressures fostered by the same. The speakers are encouraged to reflect on the vibrant diversity of Canada as well as to discuss the ways of conceptualising Canadian experience of transformations. We welcome proposals for papers in any area of Canadian Studies as well as comparative area and cultural studies where Canada remains the focal point of reference and comparison. We especially encourage participants to submit suggestions for panels and roundtables, but individual presentations are also welcome.
It is a blended conference and invites both face-to-face and virtual presenters. The virtual presentations are delivered by presenters who cannot attend in person but whose papers have been accepted for the conference. Each virtual presentation consists of: (1) a pre-recorded video (paper presentation), (2) 10-minute synchronous question-answer session via Skype.
Deadline for proposals: September 5, 2018.
Tournée d’Évelyne de la Chenelière
Journée d’étude, lectures publiques, séminaire et théâtre : 6-8 novembre 2018, Innsbruck et Salzbourg
Journée d’étude avec les étudiants d’un séminaire sur le théâtre contemporain (étudiants de l’Université d’Innsbruck) et les étudiants d’un séminaire sur le théâtre québécois (étudiants de l’Université de Salzbourg) présence de l’auteure et de sa traductrice.
Link: https://www.uibk.ac.at/canada/events-zentrum/2018/seminar-und-gastvortrag.html.de
CfP: 40th Annual GKS-Conference / 40ème GKS Conférence annuelle
“Intersectionality: Theories, Policies, Practices”
February 14-17, 2019, Grainau, Germany
40th Annual Conference of the Association for Canadian Studies
in German-Speaking Countries (GKS)
The Association for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries is a multidisciplinary academic association which aims to increase and disseminate a scholarly understanding of Canada. For our 2019 annual conference, we invite papers from any discipline that speak to the conference theme of “Intersectionality: Theories, Policies, Practices” with a Canadian or comparative focus. (Papers can be presented in English, French or German.) We are particularly – but not exclusively – interested in the following four main aspects:
- Beyond Race, Class, and Gender: Historical, Sociological, Geographical, and Political Dimensions of Intersectionality
- Space and the Politics of Place: Location, Environment, Cross-Border Dynamics
- Intersectionality and Education
- Intersectional Approaches: Discourses, Representations, Texts.
Contact and abstract submission:
Paper proposals/abstracts of max. 500 words should outline:
- methodology and theoretical approaches chosen
- content/body of research
- which of the four main aspects outlined above the paper speaks to (if any).
In addition, some short biographical information (max. 250 words) should be provided, specifying current institutional affiliation and position as well as research background with regard to the conference topic and/or four main aspects.
Abstracts by established scholars should be submitted no later than May 31, 2018 to the GKS administration: gks@kanada-studien.de.
Abstracts by emerging scholars should be submitted no later than May 31, 2018 directly to the Emerging Scholars Forum: nachwuchsforum@gmail.com.
Download the Call here.
CfP: Treasury, Guardian, Cognitive Process: Memory Studies in Canada and Germany
University of Manitoba – University of Trier – University of Greifswald, Biennial Partnership Conference, September 20-21, 2018, University of Manitoba, Canada
We live in one of the great ages of memory, a time in which forces have converged to push memory to the forefront of our moral, political, scientific, and aesthetic lives. Some have even referred to the current moment as being characterized by a “memory boom.” The standard view of this boom is that it has come about owing to a variety of factors, including, a decline in confidence in “modernist” narratives of progress over the course of the twentieth century, the rise of consumer culture, which has turned nostalgia into a commodity, and multiculturalism and individualism, which have in related ways fragmented our collective sense of self, forcing nation-states to turn to the real or imagined past to buttress their legitimacy. Memory has been further bolstered by the Holocaust and other such horrors, which have called into question the integrity of our moral imaginations and ushered in what has been called “a culture of trauma and regret.” We find this culture at work in public institutions such as memorials and museums, as well as in the proliferation of media representations of the personal past. It is also evident in such socially and politically transformative agencies and processes as truth commissions and public inquiries.
Proposals are invited for an interdisciplinary conference on the subject of memory. The conference, to be held at the University of Manitoba, is in partnership with the Trier University. The scope of the conference is broad, and the theme is intended to encompass scholarship on all forms of memory (personal, collective, institutional, cognitive, etc.). Of particular interest is work pertaining to memory as it is understood, and circulates (is celebrated, contested, etc.), in Canadian and German academic and cultural contexts. Presentations are welcome to address works and issues from different fields, media, and conceptual perspectives.
See the full Call here.
Deadline for proposals: April 30, 2018.
Appel à communications: CIÉF
Le 32e congrès du Conseil International d’Études Francophones (CIÉF) se tiendra à Ottawa du 17 au 23 juin 2019, sous le thème «Marges et pouvoir de la francophonie».
Afin d’encourager de manière interdisciplinaire le développement des études, de la recherche, des publications portant sur la littérature, la langue, la culture, les arts et les sciences sociales dans tout le monde francophone, le CIÉF accueille chaque année à son congrès un large éventail de sessions regroupées sous ces catégories.
Les personnes qui souhaitent participer au congrès peuvent proposer une session complète regroupant trois ou, de préférence, quatre communications autour d’un thème commun ou encore proposer une communication individuelle. Les membres sont priés de ne soumettre qu’une proposition.
La date limite pour lancer un appel à communications pour une session complète est le 15 septembre 2018 alors que les propositions de communication individuelle doivent être soumises avant le 15 octobre 2018.
Le Prix Jeune Chercheur est décerné chaque année à la meilleure communication doctorante au Congrès. Détails.
Letzte Aktualisierung: 20.02.2019
Letzte Aktualisierung: 12.09.2018